Tears Like Christ


Three nails, 39 lashes, 72 thorns, and liters of blood later, the Savior of the whole world, Jesus Christ, gave up His life so that the past, present, and future souls of the world can live.

There is no greater love than this.

Walking to be like Jesus is not an easy road to travel or a light cross to bear. In the understanding of the Christian lifestyle, these poems have been written and Holy Spirit-breathed into the dust of our humanity so that hope, joy, love, peace, and faith can be restored.

Tears Like Christ seeks to replicate the prayers people have prayed; tears cried, thoughts pondered, laughs given, and sighs breathed by so many while incorporating the Heart of God into the response of the broken, waiting, wounded and lost. Come to breathe in these pages and allow your heart to live on.

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